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The Dr. Ambedkar International Award was instituted in the year 1995. The award is given for the work done for social change. The award shall be conferred on individuals / organisations who have done outstanding work :

  • For waging an exemplary fight against inequality and injustice
  • For resolutely espousing the cause of the exploited and under privileged
  • For contributing significantly to social change
  • For bringing about reconciliation among, conflicting social groups
  • Serving the ideal of social harmony and human dignity.

One award is given every year, which carries an amount of Rs. 1.5 million and a citation.
The Jury constituted for selecting the awardees consists of the Hon'ble Vice President of India (Chairman), Hon'ble Speaker - Lok Sabha (Vice-Chairman), Chairperson of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (Member), One eminent educationist (Member), one eminent social worker (Member) who has done outstanding work for the upliftment of weaker sections, two eminent persons (members) from public life in India including one with experience of international affairs.
Selection process begins with the submission of proposals by a large number of social workers, educationists, organisations, leaders etc. both from India and abroad. Scrutiny and final selection for the award is made by the Jury.
The Jury is not obliged to make its recommendations out of the list of nominees only. It is free to invite proposals from any other person as per Chapter V of the Code of Procedure.
The Jury makes a comparative evaluation of the nominations. The final selection is the result of a comprehensive and in depth deliberation of the Jury. The entire responsibility for selection is that of the Jury and Dr. Ambedkar Foundation has no hand in it whatsoever.
The award symbolizes the vision of Babasaheb Dr. B.R Ambedkar for social change.
The award for the year 1999 was given to Shri. Murlidhar Devidas Amte popularly known as Baba Amte and for the year 2000 to Mr.Remy Fernand Claude Satorre of Spain.


One of the important decisions taken by the Centenary Celebrations Committee of Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was for the institution of Dr. Ambedkar National Award

The Dr. Ambedkar National Award was instituted in the year 1992. The award is given for the work done for social understanding and upliftment of weaker sections. Selection is made on the basis of a published work or a mass movement, which has made considerable impact on the quality of life of the weaker sections of the society. The Jury shall also consider efforts made towards integrating the weaker sections into the mainstream of Indian society and working for their socio-economic and educational upliftment. Nominations can only be submitted through competent authority who have been listed as per Section IV of the Code of Procedure. Three awards shall be given every year to Male / Female / Organization, which shall carry an amount of Rs 10.00 lakhs each and a citation.

The Jury consists of seven members who shall all be Indian Nationals. The Jury constituted for selecting the awardees is the Hon'ble Vice President of India, Chairman, Hon'ble Chief Justice of India, Vice-Chairman, and members are an eminent journalist, an eminent educationist, a person who has done outstanding work for the upliftment of weaker sections and two eminent persons from public life in India.

The award symbolizes the vision of Babasaheb Dr.B.R. Ambedkar for social understanding and Upliftment of weaker section.

The Award for the year 1993 was given to National Institute of Social Work & Social Sciences (NISWASS) Bhubaneswar (Orissa). The award for the year 1994 was given to Ryat Shikshan Sansthan, Satara (Maharashtra).

The award for the year 1996 was conferred on Ramakrishna Mission Ashram, Bastar (District), Madhya Pradesh. For the year 1998 the award was presented to Kasturba Gandhi Kanya Gurukulam, Vedaraniam, Tamilnadu.

Dr. Ambedkar International Award for Social Change:

Dr. Ambedkar International Award was instituted in 1995. The award was given away to the following so far:-

  • 1999 – Murlidhar Devidas Amte ( Baba Amte), India
  • 2000 – Shri Remy Fernand Claude Satorre Bonhomme of Spain.

Dr. Ambedkar National Award:

Dr. Ambedkar National Award was instituted in 1992. The award was given away to the following so far:-

  • 1993 – National Institute of Social Work & Social Sciences,Bhubaneshwar, Orissa.
  • 1994 – Ryat Shikshan Sansthan, Satara , Maharashtra.
  • 1996 – Ram Krishna Mission Ashram, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh.
  • 1998 – Kasturba Gandhi Kanya Gurukulam, Vedaraniam,Tamilnadu.
  • 2011 – Samata Sainik Dal
  • 2012 – Prof. S.K. Thorat
  • 2014 – Jointly to Babulal Nirmal, Rajasthan & Amar Sewa Sangham, Tamilnadu