Dr. Ambedkar Foundation Essay Competition Scheme For Class 10th-12th & Colleges/Universities/Institutions Students In Hindi, English and Regional Languages.

About Scheme:

Babasaheb is known as one of the tallest reformers of India particularly in relation to providing social justice and empowerment to the weaker and depressed section of the population. It becomes imperative for the young Indians to get inspired by this versatile genius and creatively rediscover Babasaheb’s thoughts and ideology, which can be reflected from their writings in the form of essays.

Dr. Ambedkar Foundation (DAF) was set up in pursuance of the recommendations of Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Centenary Celebrations Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of the then Prime Minister. One of the major objectives of DAF is to provide financial aid to the institutions propagating Babasaheb’s memory, organize a special campaign for removal of untouchability and caste based prejudices for bringing an attitudinal change in the society through communal harmony and brotherhood and to organize essay competitions, quiz competitions, lectures, seminars and symposia etc. on socio-economic issues to full the vision of Babasaheb to build an ideal society —a society based on social justice and equity— that gives permanency to the great achievements of modern Indian nation.


The primary objective of this Essay Competition is to encourage school, college and university students of 10 th and 12 th standards to write on the contribution of Babasaheb, particularly on his thoughts on social justice, empowerment of the depressed section, removal of caste-based discriminations like untouchability and atrocities on Dalits, national integration, communal harmony and the like.


The topics of the essay shall be selected every year by the respective Chairs from the themes based on Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on social justice, removal of inequality and discrimination, ameliorating the conditions of weaker sections of the society, removal of untouchability, caste-based prejudices, disparities, equality of opportunity, social democracy etc.